How to stake your $DVPN (Sentinel) with Ledger and Earn Rewards (only 1% commission) ?
Mar 30, 2021


Step 1 : Connect you Ledger

  • Connect your Ledger on Cosmos App
  • Choose Sentinel Network
  • Click on Connect to Ledger

Step 2 : Delegate your $DVPN to

  • Click on Reward
  • Choose Staky as a validator and Click on Delegate

Step 3 : Confirm transaction

  • Choose delegation amount and Click on Generate & Sign transaction
  • Sign and confirm transaction on your Ledger
  • Congrats ! Transaction Succes ✅



Staky is a platform that offers you a staking service on Proof-of-Stake coins. Through this system of delegation, you keep the full possession of your cryptos.